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Part Finder - WP SUSPENSION - 2018 - Gabel 350 SXF (LI-34188R01L) 18 - PISTON ROD #1


Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
1 486 01 628S Piston 34x35,4 mainpiston Freudenb cpl. 486 01 628SPiston 34x35,4 mainpiston Freudenb cpl.76.00 each x1 76.00
2 486 01 478 Piston ring 30x34x5,4 486 01 478Piston ring 30x34x5,48.00 each x1 8.00
3 486 01 502 Rubber pad 11,5x30x54,5 486 01 502Rubber pad 11,5x30x54,521.00 each x1 21.00
4 486 01 768 Spring retainer 12,5x30x5 486 01 768Spring retainer 12,5x30x53.00 each x1 3.00
5 486 01 854 Shim 21,5x29,5x0,3 486 01 854Shim 21,5x29,5x0,32.00 each x1 2.00
6 486 01 820 Spring (22) 60-30 rebound 486 01 820Spring (22) 60-30 rebound10.00 each x1 10.00
7 486 01 767 Spring retainer 15,35x34,65x10 486 01 767Spring retainer 15,35x34,65x103.00 each x1 3.00
8 144 60 109 O-ring 32x2 NBR70 144 60 109O-ring 32x2 NBR703.00 each x1 3.00
9 486 00 430 Guide bushing 12x14x10 486 00 430Guide bushing 12x14x1016.00 each x1 16.00
10 486 01 463 Stop 27,3x38,7x7,7 486 01 463Stop 27,3x38,7x7,79.00 each x1 9.00
11 486 01 590 Round-wire snap ring 25,5x1,5 486 01 590Round-wire snap ring 25,5x1,52.00 each x1 2.00
12 486 02 138S2 Screw sleeve M35,5x0,8 cpl. 486 02 138S2Screw sleeve M35,5x0,8 cpl.122.00 each x1 122.00
13 S50 12 000 000 0000 Piston rod 12x470 S50 12 000 000 0000Piston rod 12x470133.00 each x1 133.00
14 354 80 083 O-ring 10x2 NBR70 siliconized yellow 354 80 083O-ring 10x2 NBR70 siliconized yellow3.00 each x1 3.00
15 093 41 201 Nut M12x1 h10 WAF19 093 41 201Nut M12x1 h10 WAF192.00 each x1 2.00
16 486 01 532 Adapter M12x1/M20x1 486 01 532Adapter M12x1/M20x122.00 each x1 22.00
17 486 01 533 HH collar screw M20x1 l18 Alu 486 01 533HH collar screw M20x1 l18 Alu23.00 each x1 23.00
18 468 10 811 O-ring 17x2 70 Sh NBR black 468 10 811O-ring 17x2 70 Sh NBR black3.00 each x1 3.00

486 01 628S - Piston 34x35,4 mainpiston Freudenb cpl.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 628S
  • Description

    Piston 34x35,4 mainpiston Freudenb cpl.
  • Web Only Special

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    No Stock (Orders Available)
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  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

486 01 478 - Piston ring 30x34x5,4

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 478
  • Description

    Piston ring 30x34x5,4
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

486 01 502 - Rubber pad 11,5x30x54,5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 502
  • Description

    Rubber pad 11,5x30x54,5
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 768 - Spring retainer 12,5x30x5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 768
  • Description

    Spring retainer 12,5x30x5
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 854 - Shim 21,5x29,5x0,3

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 854
  • Description

    Shim 21,5x29,5x0,3
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 820 - Spring (22) 60-30 rebound

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 820
  • Description

    Spring (22) 60-30 rebound
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 767 - Spring retainer 15,35x34,65x10

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 767
  • Description

    Spring retainer 15,35x34,65x10
This part is not available for sale.

144 60 109 - O-ring 32x2 NBR70

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    144 60 109
  • Description

    O-ring 32x2 NBR70
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

486 00 430 - Guide bushing 12x14x10

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 00 430
  • Description

    Guide bushing 12x14x10
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

486 01 463 - Stop 27,3x38,7x7,7

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 463
  • Description

    Stop 27,3x38,7x7,7
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 590 - Round-wire snap ring 25,5x1,5

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 590
  • Description

    Round-wire snap ring 25,5x1,5
This part is not available for sale.

486 02 138S2 - Screw sleeve M35,5x0,8 cpl.

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 02 138S2
  • Description

    Screw sleeve M35,5x0,8 cpl.
  • Web Only Special

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

S50 12 000 000 0000 - Piston rod 12x470

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    S50 12 000 000 0000
  • Description

    Piston rod 12x470
  • Web Only Special

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  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

354 80 083 - O-ring 10x2 NBR70 siliconized yellow

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    354 80 083
  • Description

    O-ring 10x2 NBR70 siliconized yellow
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

093 41 201 - Nut M12x1 h10 WAF19

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    093 41 201
  • Description

    Nut M12x1 h10 WAF19
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 532 - Adapter M12x1/M20x1

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 532
  • Description

    Adapter M12x1/M20x1
This part is not available for sale.

486 01 533 - HH collar screw M20x1 l18 Alu

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    486 01 533
  • Description

    HH collar screw M20x1 l18 Alu
  • Web Only Special

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

468 10 811 - O-ring 17x2 70 Sh NBR black

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    468 10 811
  • Description

    O-ring 17x2 70 Sh NBR black
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock (Orders Available)
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change