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Release 4.701 November 30, 2017 barney
  • Workshop tweaks and fixes
    • print pro-forma tax invoice in non pro forma mode. Force date to be today
    • Staff report. Broken with latest changes : would not work with either completed jobs or invoiced jobs option set as a filter. Now fixed.
Release 4.700 November 29, 2017 barney
  • Bug fixes for release 4.699
    • Workshop profit report broken. Tested new code on wrong version of postgres. Now working with actual version of postgres running at dealerships.
  • Future interest estimatation fixes
    • Consider both interest and renewal fee payments for figuring out interest from.  More and more floorplan providers are charging 'GST' on interest so need to be recorded as renewal fees within c9 means interest to pay estimate in c9 is completely wrong.
    • Bug with future interest estimation on units in deal screen. Was effectively showing floorplan costs with double the estimated interest (not quite double, but more or less doing this). Now fixed

C9 incorporates new useful data on cost of workshop techs into key reports to provide better data on profitability and performance of workshop departments.

To use this data some setup and management is required also change in processes. Alot of setup involves enabling payroll functionality in c9.  It doesn't require running full payroll through c9 to access the core useful functionality though the more the payroll data is used the more useful data c9 will provide.

Workshop techs must use clocking to enable new cost reporting features.  C9 will not compute costs off hours entered on job since hours here are editable and designed to represented billed hours, not actual hours, it is computed strictly based on clocking activity.

First. Defining Efficiency / Productivity and Proficiency

Efficiency : Is the ratio of billable hours to clocked hours. The more time techs work on billable work vs unbillable work the more efficient they are. It is possible for a tech to have >100% efficiency if what is recorded on a job card for hours is more than what they actually timesheeted.

Productivity: Is the # of hours a tech clocked as a ratio of their agreed employment hours. So a tech can have >100% productivity if they work more hours than what their employment terms are

Proficiency : is Efficiency multiplied by Productivity. Is is effectively the ratio of the billable hours vs their contracted / agreed employment hours.

Setup requirement. From order of most important to least important and functions setup enables.

Setup Functionality Gained
Techs to use clocking to clock onto jobs Compute efficiency for proficiency report
  • enable payroll access
  • Configure staff hourly rate or yearly salary
Track cost of labour on jobs. displayed in key reports
  • enable payroll employment types
  • map types to staff
  • Fine tune accuracy of cost estimates to factor in actual work hours and overtime
  • Compute productivity for proficiency report
Maintain leave and holidays data Fine tune accuracy of productivity figures in proficiency report
Full payroll : implement pay runs Provide non COGS labour estimates in profit summary report
Map staff to correct departments Breakdown payroll figures in profit summary report based on department

Tech Clocking

To make use of data techs need to clock onto jobs in c9.  Techs need to be assigned a unit clerk key.

Workshop -> Utilities - >Staff

Select staff member who is a tech and click change.  Key in a unique secret clerk key for the tech. also tweak clerk settings for oher things in c9 techs can access. Select none of the options for techs that have no other responsibilities in c9 other than logging time.


Now tech can access clocking via 'Clocking' option in top of c9 or via view workshop jobs.  They key in their clerk key and then key in job number they want to clock onto.  Techs must clockoff end of day and also clock off when going on break idle etc.

You can configure non job related items a tech can clock onto. workshop -> Utilities -> Clocking reasons.

Enable Payroll Access

Setup -> other settings -> Login Users.

Select a privileged user and click on Change

Select payroll option and click OK.


Logout of c9 and re-login as the privileged user

Configure Staff payroll particulars

Now in Workshop -> Utilities -> Staff you can access payroll tabs. Key in either hourly wage or salary into appropriate slot.


Note: C9 cost computation adds a compulsory superannuation figure. Make sure wages or salary figure is before compulsory super


Tip : setting pay data only applies to clocking performed after the change. To help get things started to extract useful data after initial setup you and run a utility in c9 that will recompute cost of labour on already clocked time based on current payroll configuration. It is only useful for dealers that use clocking already though.

To access : workshop -> utilities -> recompute TS.  Key in period (defaults to a month prior until today) and run recompute


Configure Employment types

Employment types allows you to configure typical weekly hours worked and overtime hours. you may need to configure more than one for techs that work different conditions. e.g. if your techs typically work monday to friday that would represent a base employment type, but if you have one tech that only works 3 day weeks, they will require their own employment type to manage the hours they specifically work.

To manage employment types . Business - >Payroll -> Setup -> Employment types.

Key elements as relevant for workshop cost computation highlighted below


Map Employment types to staff

Employment types are mapped to staff back in Workshop -> Utilities - >Staff. On payroll tab


Maintain Holidays and Leave

Public holidays and leave is managed via Business -> Payroll -> Manage Leave/Holidays


Full Payroll

too much to cover here to explain full payroll. In essence if there are payruns tracked in c9 c9 will use this data for profit summary report.

firstly need to define pay cycles. Weekly etc.  Business -> Payroll -> Setup -> Pay Periods

Next, business -> Payroll -> payruns to create payruns.  No requirement to finalise payruns to get data into profit report. Pay runs can be created and left in Active status and will influence profit summary report.

Map Staff to departments

Workshop -> Utilities -> Staff. On main screen is option to select department staff memory principally works in . This influences grouping in profit summary report


Orange zone : select on of these to flag staff member as a workshop tech

Green zone : non workshop roles that group within the profit summary report

Release 4.699 November 16, 2017 barney

Requires database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Fiche import fixes
    • Step over broken diagrams for KTM/Husky. (e.g. REAR WHEEL for 400 SUPER-COMP WP (EU) 1996 on factory website gives a blank page and causes c9 importer to quit)
    • Add SWM as an import option for Mojo
  • Contract of Sale changes
    • Redesigned contract of sale so it now prints on a4 portrait and may dynamically print over multiple pages for complex sales. Allows for easy inclusion of more information
    • Regulatory changes (ALL)
      • Include salesperson
      • Provide an option to select a nominated registered owner as separate from purchaser
    • Regulatory changes (NSW)
      • Included new contract terms and conditions : referencing correct NSW legislation.
      • New Form 7 - redesigned so it fits on a single page
      • Added Form 8
      • Added Form 12
  • Payroll - Workshop labour costs
    • C9 now records labour cost on clocking. It requires clocking to be used within c9 and requires staff members to be minimally configured with either an hourly wage or salary.  It will use employment type data if set to better estimate impact of overtime etc if set.
    • Labour costs reflected in following areas
      • View time : timesheet tab
      • Business -> Profit Summary
      • Workshop -> Reports -> Staff Report
      • Workshop -> Reports -> Profit/Activity
    • New workshop report : proficiency report. Provides per staff report on productivity & efficiency metrics.
    • Workshop -> Utilities -> Recompute TS. Recompute labour costs on time sheet records. So you can quickly get some 'historical' data working in terms of COGS on labour to reflect in above mentioned reports. Only useful for dealers that are diligently using timesheeting
    • Business -> Profit summary . Show payroll costs accrued broken down based on principal area where staff work.
    • Misc
      • Modify staff : allow linking staff to 'spares' or 'sales' departments to affect profit summary report
      • Workshop Wait reasons. Now track whether or not the wait reason is paid time. i.e. 'Idle' is paid but 'lunch break' isn't.  Reflects in profit/summary report
  • Bulk accounts processing and ABA File generation
    • Generate ABA files for creditors (bill payment) and bulk generate the bill pay operation
    • Generate ABA files for debtors (direct deposit). To be used by c9 for DD billing, but dealers can use it themselves too if they want.
    • Generate ABA files for payroll payruns
  • Misc Tweaks
    • Units of measure fixes
      • if count of unit exceeds 1000 do not work correctly in point of sale. C9 misreports QoH as 0.
      • Initial computation of count for length based UOMs broken.  now fixed (was applying uom adjustment twice resulting in completely wrong results)
    • Select payment method : option to select bank to record bank payment directly. No longer any need to define one of 8 instrument slots as a bank
    • Add Generic Txn broken : working again
    • AusPOST tweaks
      • Modify UI flow on creating a new shipping record to minimise keystrokes.
      • Allow setup options to allow setting of default copy freight and create invoice options.
      • Allow configuration of page offsets to help align label prints on AusPOST provided label stock
      • Limit item description lengths to 40 chars for international freight.
    • Webcontent text+logo. Increase size of hyperlink field
    • Modify estimate : Only allow one terminal at a time edit an estimate
    • Print estimate : forcefully recompute estimate tallies before printing incase edits from another terminal somehow slip in and mess up tallies on the printed edit.
    • Modify deal.  Would render deposit as #### at top of screen for deposits of 10k or more. All computations were fine, just the display on screen was incorrect. Fixed
    • Browse received orders. On view order show created/sent dates on individual items
    • Add transaction.  On selecting txns to offset only forcefully change txn type to Payment if selected txn type is not consistent with selected txns. i.e. if you select Supplier Credit and pick txns to offset do not change txn type to payment as credit and payment are functionally consistent in terms of being able to be linked to bill txns.
    • Add transaction
      • allow selection of suppliers as well as customers.
      • Bill+Pay : post txns in separate GL postings so one can be deleted without deleting the other.
    • Unit floorplan report : show floorplan owing (tr value less curtailments)
    • New workshop job : new setup option to allow you to preconfigure a default deposit.
    • Unit purchase tweaks
      • Purchase only on account will now receive the purchase as a 'payment' against debtor balance
      • For purchase as deposit, select cash, in select payment method is a new option for 'Customer Deposit'
Release 4.698 November 1, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Multiple bank tracking facilities
    • Track multiple banks.
    • Link banks to different parts of c9. i.e. floorplan payouts by default goto bank X
    • Provide  reconciliation for different banks
  • AusPOST Shipping integration tweaks
    • Allow selection of different c9 customer to ship to
    • Allow generation of shipping record at point of sale, so invoice is created with an AusPOST tracking ID
    • Allow auto-population of freight cost from AusPOST freight data at point of sale
    • Allow Review/modification of shipping address on freight query / create ship.
    • Freight query : provide visual feedback why there are no shipping options. i.e. maybe because there are zero weights on selected packages
    • User mobile # from main phone field if set. Preferentially use field if it looks like a mobile number
    • New config option to suppress printing of headers on labels, for dealers that use AusPOST provided stationary
    • Automatically record tracking ID against invoice once shipping record is created
    • Explicitly enable AusPOST email tracking for customers
    • Include c9 invoice # as a customer reference that prints on the shipping label
    • Authority to leave change:  disable safe drop if authority to leave is not given. So postie should always leave a card, even if postie thinks there is a 'safe drop' place at delivery address
    • View Invoice. Add button to access AusPOST tracking info
  • Fixes and tweaks
    • Cash till : next day algorithm bugfix. Prior computation was flaky. New algorithm : the most recent todate before today + one day.
    • Bugfix with Suzuki EPC import. One model on EPC site contains a broken image which kills c9 import.  Fixed so c9 will handle these more gracefully
    • Bugfix with SMS billing. C9 has not been billing full price for SMS msgs longer than >160 chars since switched SMS provider at start of year. Long SMS will be billed correctly from now on.   We will not retrospectively bill for prior msgs not billed correctly
    • Bugfix with freeform stocktake. Under some difficult to replicate circumstances system would not apply requested stocktake modifications.
    • Bugfix with print statements. Was not generating statements for suppliers/creditors correctly. Did not know how to deal with supplier txn types.
    • Bugfixes relating to txn allocation, with modify linked txn option
      • Linked txn option would force a relink even if there are no user selected changes, even if user selects 'Cancel' button. Modified to not make DB changes if there are no user changes. Generally should not of caused a problem because relinking should result in same functional output where it not for the second bug:
      • Linked txn option would fail to apply changes to certain txn types instead reallocating based on default rules for the contact in question (i.e. oldest txn first).  Bug would trigger for modifying a Supplier Bill, but not a Supplier Bill Pay. Would kick in on a Bill Pay for example, if on that supplier contact ,there exists a currently unallocated billpay whose due date is earlier than the one modified. Payments linked to the bill would preferentially relink to the older, unrelated, bill. Now fixed.