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Release 4.815 March 24, 2020 barney

This version includes a couple of tweaks to make listing accessories on web a bit smoother / simpler. Specifically targeting Lusty.  Actual changes

  • Lusty img import : import 'brand' attribute as 'webbrand' so it doesn't conflict with 'brand' attribute on price file. They are coded differently so compete to update same attr and order of things of doing img import vs price file update can have inconsistent and unpredictable effects because of this.
  • Lusty img import : importing category attribute. Was being decoded poorly making website menu built from it a bit crap.  Now fixed ( lusty data uses '/' by convention for separating child menus, while c9 uses '|'.  Tweak code to make needed switcharoos).
  • A more complex change, difficult to describe but will instead describe its effect. On creating a structure now, with 'automatic' setting in play, it is now possible & easier to map parts in multiply ways.  For example with lusty you can map by brand and the category to create a shop by brand structure, but also simultaneously map by category only to flatten it out without regard for brand. (allow multi field partmapping to website. tweak matching against existing structure to be stricter and more correct, esp when partmapping is in play).

Other changes:

  • Stock take. On stocktake by partnumber provide option to key in part number ranges to stocktake. For dealers that substantially organise and stocktake by partnumber ranges (as opposed to bin locations).


Release 4.814 March 18, 2020 barney
  • Couple of tweaks
    • Sell Do not discount parts onto workshop : was not carrying do not discount setting across, resulting in parts picking up invoice wide discount on workshop jobs. Now fixed (fix is not retroactive, only parts added after change will apply. For existing parts you need to set discount to $0.01 manually)
    • Select customer. Show mobile phone number as well as main phone number on select screen.
    • Charts tweak : add a chart to show weekly sales volume


Release 4.813 March 11, 2020 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • Shopify integration: update to API version 2020-01, as 2019-07 is being deprecated in a couple of weeks
  • Print contract particulars. Rename build year to model year.
  • Profit summary report run on a single user broken. Now fixed (Caused by unit cost profit summary changes in ver 4.810).
  • Add purchase unit to sale/tradein/deal.  :  will alert if the full VIN is already on the system : to encourage operators to use existing record (via cust transfer if needed) instead of cloning the record