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Release 5.2.15 April 28, 2022 barney
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Billpay fixes and tidies: all fixed
      • Edit transaction - would not let you modify due date on spares receival bills.
      • Browse unpaid bills, would not show spares receival bills.
      • Pay selected bill in unpaid bills : would not  allocate payment to selected bill instead would instead use default logic of paying txns from oldest to most recent ordering
    • Biz activity report and recently added cash reconcile
      • Removed BAS - Cash basis as an option. Instead add a new option to report on accruals or cash, separate so can apply irrespective of tax code filter selected
    • Piaggio Group EPC importing : up and running again
    • Stihl Warranty export : change fuel question so it is tri-state. Instead of checkbox is now a radio with 3 options: Yes, No or N/A (N/A applies for things like electric items)
Release 5.2.14 April 27, 2022 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Reworked cash reconcile / GL Reconile report into a new powerful report that generates partial trial balances from the general ledger allowing various groupings / filtering. For example get a list of all GL postings touching BAS tax codes and/or cash instrument codes, aggregated by txn type. Useful as an alternative source of data for extracting and moving data into an external accounting product (as opposed to using biz activity report)
  • Bug fix : print statement for combined trial balance. Extracted open/close balance is wrong and would report historical aged balances as all zeros no matter what. Only a problem in combined statement mode, worked fine otherwise. Now fixed (Bug introduced on migration to 5.2)
  • Edit deal : add calendar convenience functions for promise date
Release 5.2.13 April 26, 2022 barney

Includes DB Changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

Tweaks and fixes

  • System would incorrectly warn about late balance threshold issues for accounts with a $0 balance owing. Logic/test was not written correctly in 5.2 changes. Now fixed.
  • Unattended Messenger's are supposed to auto upgrade. There has been a long standing issue where upgrade would get stuck in a loop and keep spinning every minute firing off a new messenger. Thought recent changes fixed this but problem is still happening. Found a new possible cause of issue, now fixed in this version. When running multiple copies of c9, 2 or more JVMs could be running, especially on older, resource constrained systems : it is possible messenger is in JVM #1 and is triggering JVM #2 to restart, thinking incorrectly it is restarting itself. Added some logic to force restart initiator to forcefully shutdown. The problem may still occur on updating to this version, but followup updates should hopefully now be okay.
  • 5.2 cash basis BAS was not implemented. Now fixed. (Cash basis query is alot faster in 5.2)
Release 5.2.12 April 19, 2022 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • AusPOST integration
    • Refinements to add support for Startrack and to support multiple accounts simultaneously. Previously assumed startrack would come along for free as getting eparcel working and would be integrated into a combined API. Turns out doesn't work this way. also turns out startrack requires some changes with API integration. (e.g. requirement to specify package type).
  • Refresh Analytics/KPI Report for HD
    • Updated to work with 5.2 database changes
    • Review  + Update based on current set of fields sourced from opt2ma platform
  • Receive spares
    • add button next to tally to quickly adjust pricing to fix up any rounding errors. Only accessible if current discrepancy is less than $0.02 per received item.
    • Bugfix with import PDF where tally of parts doesn't match invoice total : would not refresh "qty of items" display on the screen. Now fixed.
  • Includes some updates targeting new dealers to c9, some low level tweaks to help us more easily migrate data from competitor systems into c9 as part of cutover (helpcr code to help migrate AR/AP txn lists).
  • General ledger posting tweaks
    • Post 5.2 migration tidyup.  References on transactions where not migrated to the 'correct' spot. Now fixed (were copied onto the line not the posting). Now when you export activity or browse / export journal you'll generally always see pre 5.1 references when logging bills etc where before it might show blank.
    • Browse journals - Sort by date, not journal id
    • Browse journals - Export option which allows you to export to CSV and display more fields, reference & txn details, tax coding etc
  • BRP EPC importer : now working again
  • Other tweaks and fixes
    • Select transaction from add transaction : filter option no longer working, would throw errors on screen when you try to use it. Now fixed.
    • Order item miner query : was not returned results for cost. Now fixed
Release 5.2.11 April 14, 2022 barney
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Add transaction,  only show gl code selector for bills and invoices. (Previously would show for any supplier txn type even though it is only relevant for bills)
  • New features
    • Parts label printing : add ability to print optionally todays date. Defaults to MM/YY format.
    • Receive spares. New butt on :fix pack qty. This button allows you to easily feed in amended pack qty data during receival. Tidies up receive qty without impacting price tallies and memorizes/ writes back the new pack qty setting into stock/master files.  To enable this feature you need to configure franchise so that orders as based on pack by default.
Release 5.2.10 April 12, 2022 barney
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Deals. Color code deal lines orange where pickupdate is 3 to 1 days away
    • Tweak unit invoice wording for finance to show 'Finance Payment' instead of 'Amount Financed', as finance payment is a more accurate description. (Actual amount financed may include fees and charges etc which are not even visible to the dealer).
    • Print workshop pro-forma. Was not displaying deposit on job, now fixed.
Release 5.1.81 April 12, 2022 barney

More reworking 5.2 migrator. On some systems, especially with data initially migrated from competitor systems original migration code required an excessive amount of memory to work.  Reworked to minimise memory requirements.

Release 5.1.80 April 8, 2022 barney

A refinement on 5.1.79 migrator. More efficient algorithm for figuring out how to batch txns. (improved txn graph collator).

Release 5.1.79 April 8, 2022 barney

More work on 5.2 migrator.

Previous migrator  could fail with out of memory error, either in java itself or the database. The migrator 'batches' work to migrate processing all txns for a given contact in a single batch ( a batch might involve multiple contacts but each contact is processed in a single batch).  Problem is some systems, especially systems where we migrated data from competitor systems which defined cash sales as a contact, the # of txns for a single customer can be insanely large (Typically batch size is around 500 txns, but some systems can have customers with 70k txns against a single customer). New migrator includes some smarts to create much smaller batches of work, avoiding running into memory issues ( batch based on network graphs of interlinked txns, instead of batching by customer).

Release 5.2.9 April 8, 2022 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Tweaks to HD epc importer to get it working again
  • Job complete , send email + costs. Would crash . Now fix (5.2 deposit changes not integrated into email notify msg construction).
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